Back in October 2021, I started hosting a parents and carers coffee morning in Thingy Cafe in Hackney Wick, where my studio is based in Trowbridge Gardens.
I had both my girls pre-pandemic, but Serena was 6 months old when the UK went into lockdown in March 2020. I went to so many toddler groups and visited so many museums and galleries with Olivia when she was little. Sadly Serena didn’t get to experience going to endless cafes, playgroups and trips to Westfield, but thankfully she had her big sister to entertain her during the Lockdowns.
When the country started opening up again I joined up with local mum Mel, from Wrap a Hug Sling Library and a small group of mums to help host a weekly coffee morning at The Hub in Victoria Park. I had met Mel at the coffee morning pre-pandemic and she helped me pick the right sling and carrier for Serena and me, making juggling two small ones that little bit easier.
It was so lovely to be able to get out and about again not just for myself but for the girls to socialise. Olivia was often my little helper at the coffee mornings, she would often ask why we hosted the coffee mornings. Good question! I personally found getting out of the house with my girls vital for my sanity and having somewhere to go even better. I also found the coffee mornings a safe space to breastfeed and talk about the trials and tribulations of feeding and weaning with other parents and carers. I feel if I can offer some respite to one person looking after a little one for just a moment over a tea or coffee then it’s a job well done.
Trowbridge Gardens and Thingy Cafe entrance from Chapham Road.
The chaos that can occur before a coffee morning in the studio.
There’s always space for play and creativity.
Coffee mornings are all about croissants and babycinos!
The next coffee morning will be Monday 14 November and I will be co-hosting with Wrap a Hug Sling Library and Hackney Nappy Network! Hope you can come and join us!