After months of preparations, endless WhatsApp messages and planning, the day of our Street Party arrived! The forecast was bleak after a week of sunshine but thankfully by 11am it was dry.
The evening before was spent getting a head start on putting up the bunting with my work wife Charlotte of Dinosaurs Doing Stuff, who lives up the road from me. I managed to make over 200m of bunting in the end and I have to say our street looked amazing!
Once our street was decorated the neighbours started to bring out their tables and chairs. We also had crafting activities and competitions for the day:
The annual neighbourhood Bake Off competition was given a Commonwealth theme and one of the judges was our local Postie Paul.
There was a Royal Hat competition.
Junk modelling created a recycled version of our local streets.
Crown colouring, no Royal Jubilee would be complete without crowns!
Loo roll queens.
There was also a selfie frame fit for the Queen!
To say the Street Party was a success would an understatement. It was so lovely to get together with the neighbours after the Lockdown restrictions, catching up and meeting new neighbours. Watching the children freely running around and playing on their street will hopefully be a memory they don’t forget.
The proudest moment of the day was when my oldest was publicly voted second best in the hat competition for her flower crown. (And yes that is me wearing a hat covered in tiny bunting!)
The Platinum Jubilee Street Party mugs and tea bag tidies were sold on the day raising money for the local charity FoodCycle through Work for Good. FoodCycle host community meals for the hungry and lonely using food that would otherwise go to waste. So far £100.00 has been raised from sales.
Our little corner of London was also featured on French TV during our planning preparations. France TV Londres joined us at one of our final meetings and we talked all things community and bunting of course! You can watch it on YouTube below.
Elizabeth II : La ferveur des Britanniques - France TV Londres
If you’re wondering what will happed to the all the bunting, it’s already been spoken for my daughter’s school Summer fair!